Session 11
Today you were totally surrounded in pink light like a big pink cocoon. Pink is chakra nine above the head. The chakras above the head were being activated and put into alignment. Four angels were down each side of you.
There was a big shaft of light going down your body to your feet, being directed by a crystal being used by the woman who was one I have seen before. There was the man from Atlantis behind the woman. He brought the crystal to her. The lady had long, flowing blond hair and thin garments. I said to her, ”Is that wind blowing the garments or is it energy?” She said that it’s energy. She had wings on her back so I asked her if she was an angel. She said she was more like a fairy, coming from the earth spirits and it was like a grounding force because she was working with the crystal; she was grounding your body.
The man came in from behind her and handed her a crystal, a big piece of quartz, a laser, and it had pink running through it. She started drawing the energy up to the higher chakras above your head. She was working there the whole time and it was just one big ball of energy. I was working at the top with a crystal to open up the crown chakra to bring in the energy from the top centre.
So, activation was the word they kept giving me. ACTIVATING YOUR HIGHER CHAKRAS; the ones within your physical body are functioning really well. They’re all cleansed and open and now it’s time to open up the top chakras. The throat chakra was being worked on – this is to do with the expression of yourself. The emotional area was there too if any physical things come of that. It’s the communication of the emotions.
They were saying in the end that expressing yourself the way you have been to others, well, you’re to be congratulated. It’s so lovely! You sometimes feel that you are being too emotional, but you are expressing your truth and that’s all there is. They were really pleased with the way you’ve been doing that. If you are holding back your truth then you are not being true to yourself. Don’t ever feel that you are not doing the right thing because you are.
Note: During this session I felt a lot of energy in the emotional center and I started to feel sick in my stomach. I was drawn to the tone on the audio tape and it seemed to be right in my stomach – the sound on the tape was for the orange and the blue.
Everyone has the same support, the same amount of work around them. But if you are conscious of it then you will get a lot more out of it and you are able to express it to others – that’s really important.
When work is being done in the chakras above your head you need foods that will help to ground you because you are raising your vibrations and you might just drift off into another level.
The nurturing was definitely needed. Being enclosed in the pink would have been to nurture you and lift you from that feeling. You have been doing the right thing because they congratulated you and they wouldn’t have done that if you hadn’t been doing the right thing. Also, how you choose to live your life, that’s an expression of yourself and is in the right direction.