Session 13
Two guides were working on your feet. The sinus/nose is the area of release. It was to do with letting go of belief systems. Because you are changing so much there’s a transition period where you will let go of things. It’s a balancing up. You’re only part way through the transition. You feel that you don’t want to eat meat because you are moving into a new balance. Your heart wants to take you forward and your body is taking a while to catch up. The work you’re doing is fantastic.
The angels came in – four on each side of you. They have been here every week. There was a new guide here at your head and there was the man and woman who have been here before with the crystals.
The gentleman guide at your head area was really old and was all crunched down and was really cute. He also had a stick with a crystal in the end of it. I believe he was just coming in for today. He was working on your head area. When we did the solar plexus he had a beam coming from the head to the solar plexus and the two guides at your feet each had a beam coming from their crystals into your solar plexus. The RELEASE IS FROM THE SOLAR PLEXUS here, but it is physically coming out in your sinus and in your base – it’s terrific because that brings wisdom, knowledge and understanding of your soul.
It’s like when we talk about becoming the light or being lighter. Then we need to shift some of the old stuff to be able to be ‘lighter’ With the iron, if you don’t want to eat meat then it is important to replace the iron with something else – that’s the message I was given.
You have to keep on going in and out of ‘it’ to know what it feels like to do that. There’s a bit of balancing going on. You’re doing all the right things and you’re doing it in the right way. The crystals are playing a big part in it. You are being guided, you’re being helped and the message is coming from a higher guidance – that’s coming from the man at your feet, which of course is a higher aspect of you and it’s important to follow that guidance.
The other thing that came up today was the trust – to know that you are in the right energy and the things that you are doing are right for you. It’s learning to trust, but it’s not just thinking that, it’s FEELING that. At the moment you are losing and clearing a lot from this area and what that is actually doing is building the trust for you so you can actually feel it more.
I think it’s actually the time during the balancing that is called the ‘dark times’. It’s what people refer to as “the dark night of the soul”. It’s actually when you’re in this balancing of the physical and the spiritual and you’re trying to work out how to bring the spiritual into the physical and how to bring the physical into the spiritual.
The bridge for you is the solar plexus and that’s to do with trust, courage, strength and honour. These things are to be directed to yourself – honouring yourself, trusting yourself and going with your gut instincts. That is what will actually bring the balance in for you.
Work on the yellow. Continue to use the yellow (crystal essence and crystals). Trust your soul – go with your gut instinct.