Session 15
That little team of crystals you brought was just incredible today.
The two guides – the Atlantean gentleman who looks like a wizard and the girl who is quite young looking – they both appear in iridescent colours, all the colours of the rainbow. It’s absolutely beautiful, the energy of them. They both carry a staff with a quartz crystal in the end of it and they used that in conjunction with the crystals you have been bringing along.
There’s a bit of information about them. Firstly, they wouldn’t give me their names because they asked me to ask you to ask them their names and that is part of the link, part of the connection with them. You and the girl were crystal healers in Atlantis and Lemuria and you worked at the crystal temple. You were actually doing this work yourself and teaching others to do it. I was actually one of your students.
This is why it has come through now in this particular set up with the two of us working together. You were teaching others and you were THE crystal teacher of Atlantis. The school you had was the biggest in those times and people came from all over the civilisation to this particular place to learn from you and work with you. You and the girl were both females in that lifetime and the man was not with you in the physical sense but was working with you from the spirit. He channelled information to both of you in that lifetime. That’s how you worked and that’s why he’s come back to you again this time and she has chosen to come too. You haven’t used crystals in any lifetime since then.
Your students took their knowledge of crystals out there and used it in the wrong way. I don’t think there was any miss-use of powers on your part. The end of Atlantis was a lot to do with that sort of information and I think the information came from the crystal palace that you were working in. That’s why there’s been this fear within you to do something with it in case there’s this miss-use of power along the way. What she’s saying is that’s not going to happen again because we are living in a totally different place.
The reason why this knowledge and information is coming through is because it’s critical to our development and the development of our planet and all the things we’re going through which you’re aware of. So it’s important that this now be used in that way. It very much depends on what you feel about it but the information was that this is the tool that you are meant to be working with, it’s the tool you will develop and to stay very focused on that. Get yourself a journal – have it as a crystal journal. Write down all the information that you get. The message that you just got is to do with the line up of the crystals. You will find a pattern and this is the key to what you’ve been working with before. It’s part of the work that you will be developing and it’s such powerful stuff. It’s so strong.
Everything that you’ve been doing is absolutely leading you to this point. Writing children’s books came into it as well – that is a sideline of this work. It’s about using your knowledge of crystals in the books – even if you just draw a picture, anything to get it out there for the children – to bring that through.
You’ll be working with crystals in a totally different way. Don’t worry about the books. Don’t worry about what you hear that other people do with crystals. Listen, but take only the information that you consider to be appropriate for yourself. The information that’s around us is all accurate but it’s coming from different people in different places. This particular soul’s journey for you is to access this knowledge from this particular lifetime.
These crystals that you brought today come from that civilization. They are probably crystals you’ve used before, which is bizarre. These two are working together to lock the patterns that are coming in. Like, they’re helping to bring them in – all these patterns are held within you.
When I got to the Solar Plexus I had to hold the crystal up. The girl had her stick with the quartz at the end of it. She had energy coming from her crystal and hitting the one I was holding and then going down into your solar plexus. So, that was the first level of it and it opened the Solar Plexus. I could see the energy. It looked like smoke; it was smoky and yellow and it was coming like a spiral out of your Solar Plexus.
The second was like an implant that went in and I wish I could draw better because I could see it clearly. It was this shape. (See sketch below)
It was three dimensional and it came in from her crystal. It was sitting above you and it sort of just came down. I don’t know where it came from before that. It was quite large – about eighteen centimeters long. It was like a three dimensional pattern in a diamond shape, but if you could imagine a diamond only three dimensional. I could see lines, like when you look at a laser beam, in the shape of a three dimensional thing. This was a vehicle with all of that stored information to do with your past life in it. It’s got all of the crystal formulae and everything that is going to be presented to you within it and that was placed within your Solar Plexus.
It’s just amazing, isn’t it? With the implant, it was a different thing. I had to hold the crystal in one direction and she had hers coming in another direction and it joined; it brought this thing down and it lowered it in to your Solar Plexus. The third level was the same sequence as the first one and that closed it.
Your body had to have a bit of time to adjust so I stood back and did some Reiki.
All of the top chakras were really clear. It wasn’t until we got down to the Solar Plexus that all the work started taking place. When we got to the base chakra they were saying, “It’s clearing the base as well to increase and regulate the timing of this work.” These things will come further into your consciousness as your base chakra releases the patterns that are to do with connecting to the tribal way of learning.
You’ll find that you have a way of doing things and people will say, “Oh no, you can’t do that with those crystals.” It’s more to do with going purely on what you’ve been given and that’s why this sort of information has been given to you. When you get this sort of information, you know exactly who it’s coming from and you know why it’s coming to you because you’re unlocking past life stuff. You’re getting all the background as to why this is happening to you and why you need to come here to find this out, so that you’re able to fully know what’s going on. So, it’s all in there now, especially after today with that implant going in. The timing of it, as the information comes to the conscious level, is under your guidance. That’s where you have control, complete control of what’s going on.
The VEHICLE FOR HIGHER WISDOM HAS BEEN PROJECTED INTO THE SOLAR PLEXUS – old patterns holding all the keys for crystal healing from Atlantis and Lemuria.
This whole sequence was done by the young lady. The Atlantean man was overseeing it but she actually did it. In your past life with her in Atlantis you worked very high up in the crystal temple. I can see the whole temple and everything. Everything was very white and all done in marble, the entire thing, and lots of green trees everywhere. The rest was white with chunks of crystal, BIG chunks of crystal, just naturally sitting around and there were a lot of little running streams of water all through it. Water in the whole pattern is very strong.
The Sacral and the Base chakras hold all of the patterns that you know so far in the physical, and the work that has been done on the Solar Plexus chakra is going to totally turn all that around. It’s not going to take it away; it’s just going to change your perception of it. You’re not going to need the old patterns any more.
What you eat; what you do; all those things that you naturally started changing are now going all over the place. This is why! Because your whole system is turning around the other way; that’s why you could feel discomfort in the emotional centre and in the base. The patterns are lifting. They’re not getting up here to the higher chakras and these patterns are actually lifting. That is taking place all of the time.
Your angels were there as well but they were surrounding us in a big circle. Only they stood right back. It was quite a little show.
You’re reaching that point now where your contract is being shown to you and you just need to sign it in a sense. Being attuned to Reiki was just opening up for you in a channelling sense.