Session 17
Today was about an alignment of your whole system. It was really calm and beautiful and gentle. It was not a realignment it was an extension of what had already happened and there was a lot of information about the Kryon implant. That has already been set into place and what we did today was strengthen it. Strengthened it and locked it in.
Because you are so connected to the crystals the crystals helped to do that.
The most important thing they talked about today was to do with the Karma thing. The implant clears your Karma and moves to the positive for you but you may find there’s still something negative happening around you and you’ve got to recognize that that’s the other person’s Karma.
You have a very busy life with lots of things happening in all directions and now you are learning to manage that for yourself. It doesn’t mean you need to stop any of those things, it just means that every now and then you need a little tune-up to help manage the things you put your time into.
A lot of information came in – I could see a lot of squares and triangles – those two shapes were really significant for some reason. It was as though your body was the square and you were grounding yourself into the earth and finding your place in the earth. The triangle was on top of you and that was the opening up to the higher levels of yourself.
At the beginning there were quite a few guides that came in around you. They were a team that was supporting this extra alignment. There were two new ones at your feet. They weren’t from the Earth. They were from another dimension or another planet. I said, “Why do you have those ridiculous looking hats on”. I could see that they were like a pyramid on top. They told me that the energy they receive comes through the top of the pyramid then comes down and goes over their bodies – that was quite important.
So, they had these things on their heads and they were the two guides who have come in to place this implant. I wasn’t sure whether they became your life guides or where they actually fit in, but they didn’t give me a lot around that. They just said, “We are the new guides connected with the implant”, and they were STRENGTHENING THE IMPLANT AND LOCKING IT IN. They were working on your feet area quite intensely as though they were doing things to fix in this new energy.
And that’s what it is! It’s a new energy that you’ve moved into. There’s a lot of mechanics to it but it’s creating a new energy around you that you’re able to utilise and it’s all positive. Dr. Jarvar was here with the crystals and he had quite a strong message too. The rest of the team that were with you has moved away and he is working with you now, individually.
At the beginning, when the others were moving away, they were touching your hair and gave you a kiss. They all came and thanked you and honoured you for the work you have done with them. If you hadn’t done this implant stuff they would have still been working with you but they totally recognize that you have chosen to do this and it’s now time for them to move into something else; they absolutely understood that. They knew that this was going to happen anyway but if you had chosen not to do it then they would have kept on working with you in the way they had been.
It’s important for them to move out so that you can start working with your own energy. It’s all to do with taking your own power and not needing all of the support systems, in a sense.
Dr. Jarvar is very much with you and will stay with you – there is no feeling of him going. He is connected to this crystal stuff and is staying with you. That may not be the way it was set before but it is set now in this way because of the implant. He is still giving you information about the crystals and how to use them but he wants you to know that that information is coming from your Higher Self. It’s coming from him interacting with your Higher Self to give it to you. It’s just you remembering things from the past – things that you’ve used before. He was also quite strong in saying that it’s also very close to the time you will start working with crystals. There’s a need to start working with them, with the ideas that you’ve been given, to get things moving with that.
There’s a lot happening and it was beautiful, it was really exciting and to do with this change. I know you’ve been feeling like the implant hasn’t quite been implemented but that’s how it was meant to be because it wasn’t fully in place. It was just hovering and it just needed to be integrated into your system for the new energy to start moving around you. You know now that it’s there for you to tap into and you should feel totally different – I guess lighter, and the main thing was to know not to get caught up in somebody else’s Karma. Things start to balance up. I’m getting the message that it does actually take a little bit of time – they say 90 days as a general guide. It’s different for each individual. It’s definitely taken place today because they were all here ready to work and it’s all slotted into place.
You achieved what you were supposed to achieve while you were in Egypt recently. There was a lot of the pyramid shape today so that must be connected and that came up when I was on the Solar Plexus which is the yellow and that is the Egyptian colour.
Note: Before I went to Egypt I had a really strong meditation and I could see bright yellow crystals all standing up and they were active – standing up and moving all of the time. I saw them more than once and they were bright yellow, like fluorescent yellow.