Session 24
Well that was incredible! I don’t know what you felt through that but there was a lot happening.
Note: I felt some movement in my head – up behind the bridge of the nose area.
Oh! It was just amazing! When I went through your chakras they were all just absolutely wonderful. The only one I felt a little bit was this emotional (centre) but it was to do with excitement
It was just amazing! When I first started I took this AMETHYST CRYSTAL and it was just pouring out all this information. You had this crystal in a past life and it was connected through the crown chakra. It wasn’t worn, it was actually embedded in your head. I know it sounds really bizarre but I put it up to your head because it wanted to be up there and I had to turn it around the other way and I put it actually in your crown chakra. It was literally part of you in this particular lifetime. I don’t know what lifetime it was – the crystal said it doesn’t matter. It wasn’t comfortable just being there it needed to be locked right into your head. I popped it there and it worked on you throughout the healing – it activated all of this area and opened it up, really opened it up.
Then there was a strong line of energy. I had to keep you very straight. I put the quartz crystal between your legs and that was shooting an energy right through you. I then had to use those little bags to put a bit of pressure on three points to keep it grounded in a sense. As that happened two of your guides came in and one stood at your head and one at your feet and they were masculine energy. Then all down your sides you had eight crystal masters – just amazing! They all looked exactly the same; were wearing exactly the same white robe down to the ground and I couldn’t see their faces. They had just a white energy around them and they were all working on different areas of your body but they were activating crystal information to do with your crystal healing
They weren’t even working on the chakras; they were working on a different level to activate information that’s helping you to remember again. In the end there was information about you worrying about your physical body. They said everything is fine with the physical body so don’t worry about it. It’s like, your saying, “Well, yes, I do want to love myself, but I’m not actually happy with myself physically.” The energy stuff takes you away from the physical and you like that feeling. Don’t worry about your physical body because your health is fine but there are things you want to do to make yourself physically more comfortable. Work on that because that is going to actually give you the confidence, which is going to lead on to the next stage.
As a crystal healer you’ve got all the information you need. You’ve done it all before. You’ve done every bit of training you would ever need to do and it’s all there for you to remember and the way to remember it is just to say, “What do I need to do with this crystal?” and then do it. It’s coming from a very deep subconscious level, so don’t let the conscious get in the way. But there’s a process you have to go through. Firstly, deal with your physical self, because then you’ll feel confident enough to start. It doesn’t matter whether this is in five years or six months – timing makes no difference.
They’re working on you the whole time but the timing is at your direction. There will come a point where you will be ready and then they’ll start manoeuvering all the other things into play. Don’t wait for you to be able to see things slot into place.
To have energy like that around you – these vibrations weren’t just your average crystal people. They were the guardians of particular crystals and particular information that goes along with crystals that you’ve got within you and they are lifting that up and helping you to remember. They’re not even giving it to you because it’s not a gift; it’s something you’ve already got.
The pain in your left arm is pain you have taken on as a service and you can release it.