The following was part of a meditation in February of the year 2001:
Hundreds of people were out in the street looking at the horizon. At the time I thought they were looking at the sky. I asked someone what they were looking for but I couldn’t get any sense out of them. Suddenly there was a great roaring noise and a huge ball of rolling flame came shooting low across the hills then disappeared into the Earth over the horizon. I dived for cover behind a brick wall.
A voice said, “On Saturday there will be a huge catastrophe!” There was reference to houses being destroyed and to stay in your house – at the time these seemed to be conflicting messages.
Then on Saturday the seventh of February in 2009 we were visiting members of our family who live in Kinglake. We usually stayed for lunch but on this occasion we decided not to. During the afternoon the infamous Black Saturday fires descended on the area. Many people were killed and many houses were destroyed. Our family members were not able to escape from the area and had to stay in their house – the children inside while the adults defended the house against ember attack and spot fires – they were lucky to survive. The fire initially rushed up the narrow mountain road down which we had travelled just a couple of hours before. Many people were trapped by the fire and died on this road. Many people who survived the fire described the terrifying roar.
Even though there are eight years separating the time of this meditation and the terrible Black Saturday fires, I believe that the message in the meditation was a warning of this event and indicates how irrelevant time is in other dimensions.
In May 2001 during a meditation I was shown a page of a magazine or newspaper which had on it six or eight articles that looked like advertisements. I could read several words and two of them, ‘Diddo’ and ‘Fies’, were most noticeable. I checked on the internet to see if anything interesting came up but it seemed to be only unrelated references.
In 2010 I developed a condition where several of my muscles in one leg would cramp and form a large knot. Doctors could not find the reason for the pain which greatly restricted my mobility. I had exhausted the available avenues to find a solution and, without realising that ‘’ Diddo” could be in any way relevant, I was inspired to look it up on the internet once again.
This time I came across an article about a lady named Diddo Clarke. She had healed a similar painful disability by taking up online skating. The article also had references to a book about myofascial dysfunction and trigger point therapy and another workbook for self-treatment. This was exactly the information I needed to heal this condition.
Here is another example of receiving information many years before it is needed and another indication of the irrelevance of time in other dimensions.