Session 22
I saw the really tall gentleman again today. There was lots of other strong energy around you but I really focused on him. I was asking questions and he was giving information for most of the time.
This man is your Higher Self and I was asking about the energy of him being male because it’s quite obviously male. He talked about your soul sex being male. What he was telling me today is that we have a soul sex and each time we incarnate that soul sex is the same but we may still incarnate into a female body or a male body. The energy around the soul sex can be male or female and he’s representing that part of you – that soul part of you which is more masculine.
As soon as we started up I could feel your throat very strongly and your emotional centre, those two chakras – the orange and the blue. He was talking about that in relation to a life lesson – a whole life purpose lesson. This time around all of your life lessons revolve around that particular issue of communicating with emotions – those two areas – communicating and emotions). That’s actually very feminine energy and the throat chakra is a feminine energy as well. Blue is the feminine and the red is the masculine.
He talked about your soul energy being masculine, so there’s a lot of energy in there that’s masculine, and to get the balance this life time it’s about learning to communicate your emotions. The things that you do all come back to that life purpose of learning to communicate your emotions and nurturing that feminine energy. That ultimately is what you do and what you’re here to do. Then how you choose to use that, like, with your crystals you use that because you use them in a very feminine way and you can communicate your emotions in that way.
So it was quite a strong message of highlighting to you what a lot of your purpose this time round is about. From that you may be able to conclude that in your different lifetimes you have had trouble communicating your emotions. And because this lifetime is such a spiritual lifetime for you; well, you’ve already fixed it, really, because you’re doing it this time around. That’s the reason why you’re COMMUNICATING YOUR EMOTIONS this life time, because it’s something that hasn’t been achieved in other lifetimes. The Karmic issues around it are not relevant because you’ve voided Karmic issues. This information is just highlighting for you the reason why it’s so important to communicate your emotions, and it’s OK. That’s how it’s meant to be, rather than holding it back. You’re here this time to get rid of all the stuff from all other lifetimes – you don’t want to do that any more; you’re here to do it properly.
You’re here to just live purely with that intent of your spiritual journey and what that’s all about. This is purely about communicating your emotions to others to help them and to help yourself.
It was all very gentle and peaceful and he said, “Yes, she’s absolutely right” – about all of the information you were given about who he is. You know now that you are getting the right information given to you and you believe it more and more.
I was looking at the pink and the yellow; the yellow is really quite strong; it’s quite different to before. So, it’s opening up more and you trust it more as you go along.
You have asked for confirmation of what you get then that helps to build the trust.
Note: When I saw my Higher Self there was a triangle near his head. It had a double line of black around it with a yellow light behind it so it could be seen very clearly. I could see his head dress which came down in a point on the forehead and his nose was a little bit hooked. But, at the time the triangle with the light behind it was the focus. About this time a small triangular ‘birthmark’ which had not previously been there, appeared on my left arm. It is there to this day.
When you saw your Higher Self with the triangle, you were right, it is the trilogy – the body / mind / spirit. The triangle is one of the chakras too. It’s the Solar Plexus actually and that would be telling you about the trust side of things – strengthening your trust. You asked the question about strengthening the trust.
I had to do things quite differently; I was really drawn to the heart area; I spent most of my time there and it was as though all of the energy for all the other chakras was going through that heart point. The heart was the main focus. The consciousness over the heart has moved and bubbled – already!
Around you there were just so many people – it’s unbelievable. There’s just such a team around you. I could recognize specific people in there from the pictures that you’ve drawn but I wasn’t asking who’s who. They are all just here and it’s like recognition of being here to do work for you. Their head dresses were the main thing that made them totally different to other energies that I’ve seen before. They had on really elaborate head dresses. I could see the woman with the three round bits (from your drawings) and there was another woman who had spikes, as in triangles, all sticking up. It was definitely a head dress that she had on her head and it was really elaborate and colourful.
There was a man who was really tall and thin and he had on a cap sort of thing. It was black, or a very, very deep purple and red. It was a very strong colour. There was something on his back as well but that wasn’t as important. It was more about the shape on his head. I was talking to him and he said this message, “She will know when she sees the young boy.” Have you seen a young boy recently?
You have. OK. He said, “She will know. She will have the confirmation for herself when she sees the young boy,” and I said, “Is that it?” and he said, “Yes, she’s after some sort of confirmation and that’s the confirmation.” I said, “Has she already seen him or is she going to see him?” And he said,” She will know!” Can you describe what the boy looked like?
Note: He looked like a little boy, about four years old, looking up at me. He had very short blondish hair. I think his long pants were red.
That’s great! That’s what it’s about. This whole self-love thing is you not trusting what you’re getting from other sources. That’s how you need to work at the moment. This whole issue about bringing the wisdom up from within yourself and the need to trust it and love yourself more is a matter of believing what you get – every bit of it. At the moment you believe what you get but you are saying, “Yes, I believe that, but I will believe it 100% when I hear it from somewhere else.
Elaborate head dresses and groups of people is what I wrote because they all had on these different head dresses.
You’ve worked so hard to get to this point and you know you’ve got the wisdom and knowledge to get you moving on things – the pink is also about changes and movement. You know that you want to do the crystal healing and stuff. It’s time now to bring it all together. In order for the next step of it to be made, which is just getting the physical stuff in order, you have to get this trust thing sorted out. When you’ve done that you will be able to step into it, set yourself up and start to do whatever it is you need to do.
You’ll have that support system there for you 100%. It’s there 100% for you now but your thought processes just haven’t caught up with your energy body, so to speak, because your energy body is right up there and ready.
Trust when you see these people. That boy was so significant. He was there to give you this confirmation around it so that you know what you are seeing and feeling and believing is the right thing.
When you go to help other people in the future with your crystals, it’s going to be your energy that you’re working with.
This is allowing your heart to guide you rather than your head and your thought processes which can turn into fear and then block you totally. Let the unconditional love allow this to come forward.
You’ve got it! You have absolutely got such a strong connection – so much more than so many other people out there. You’re always searching for more and more so just pull back and enjoy what you have got – be in what you have got because that’s so strong. The link between that is just so powerful.
Note: Reference the tall thin person with a “vibrant” black hat on, it was the same one who had mentioned seeing the boy as confirmation and had appeared in two of my meditations. It wasn’t a man, as we both initially believed, it was a lady and her name is Ruby.
Ruby then appeared in a third meditation and she had taken her hat off. She turned her head sideways to show me her hair all done up in a bun at the back. Another blonde woman was there and when she saw Ruby without her hat she laughed and laughed – or perhaps she laughed because I had originally thought that Ruby was a man.
The little boy’s name is Dennis – my son in some other level of existence.