Session 16
I concentrated on an overall balance today. Your energy levels were really good and it shows that although you’ve had a lot of things happening you’ve maintained a really high level of energy.
The work that’s been done today will revitalise you. Your three crystal energies, Dr. Jarvar, Dr. Perry and the student were all together but they didn’t come right in and work on your body today. They kept well back and stood in the corner because they were aware that it was necessary to just do an overall balance with the colours and the harmony.
There were also six angels around you and they were all in blue – a similar appearance to the angelic beings but they were in blue which is for nurturing and they came straight in. There wasn’t a lot of messages. They were all here working but they were all aware that you just needed to relax. They didn’t want to bring in too much influence over the healing until we got to the Solar Plexus – to do with this gut feeling, nervousness, not trusting.
They wanted you to know that YOU ARE GETTING THE MOST INCREDIBLE MESSAGES and fantastic work will come from this. But you really need to work on the self-love aspect and knowing that you really do have what it takes and that you are good enough to do this; that will come step by step. It’s quite a slow process but that’s how you need to tackle it, in a step by step process. I think that’s going to come from a lot of the work that you’re doing on yourself and that will help to build the trust – but also slowly reaching out to others in little ways – just doing little bits.
They don’t want you to do anything you’re not comfortable with because you’re not linking up with the right vibration if it’s coming from that. The intention behind what you are doing has to be because you feel comfortable doing it and that will take maybe a little while to build. There’s a slight block in this area because of that and it’s creating the physical things like skin irritations.
They were talking very much about you being connected to ancient civilisations and things that you’ve done before. You’ve actually carried this feeling of not being good enough with you the whole way through. It comes from way back – not just from the lifetimes where you’ve worked with healing, and this is the time to tackle it.
You’ve reached a point now where you’re strong enough to look at the other side of it – that is, by moving through that you are able to bring knowledge and understanding to yourself and to others through this medium. That will eventually be the strong outcome – not the fear side of it. Because of the work you’re doing on yourself on a vibrational level it should lift very easily.
They want you to choose an affirmation for yourself that works on the releasing of the fear. But you don’t want to focus on the fear. You want something that’s going to motivate you past that. Light was really important too. They were talking about being from Pure Light because this information is coming from the Pure Light Source. Even though it’s connected to ancient ways of healing it’s coming NOW from a Pure Light Source. It’s at an even higher vibration now than what it was in Atlantis. So, choose an affirmation that involves Light, being part of the Divine Light Source and allowing wisdom, knowledge, understanding, abundance and joy to come within you. You don’t want any association with “releasing fears’.
They’re so strongly around you and they want you to know that you’re getting all the right signs. That’s very important.