Session 25
When I started I was drawn to the Solar Plexus; it was all about confidence and trusting yourself and feeling good about yourself. Then it went a lot further than that and it was your throat area that came up. We used a combination of crystals, colours and sound. I could see the sound waves moving around your body – and colour, all the layers of it.
All of your guides and helpers were there and the room was just crowded again. The room was all filling with Beings, right back and just one of them stepped forward. It was a real masculine energy. I think we’ve seen him before. He’s got all these markings on his face, like makeup almost, in that deep red/purple colour. A lot of red and black but it’s not black, it’s that deep, deep purple colour.
He stepped forward and he didn’t say a word, not one thing the whole time. He stood there and he was GROUNDING, grounding your energy and then as the rest unfolded I could see why he was doing it. He was grounding the energy because there’s a release that’s just taken place. It was totally different to the other healings. This was a really strong release of an old pattern that’s been really stuck. So he was doing that and I was working through your chakras. When I got to the orange and red I was told to leave them and use the crystal to get that energy moving. Then I had to go back to this shoulder/throat area
You’ve released the pattern on a spiritual, subconscious level but to finish it off there’s a meditation that you’re meant to do. You need to thank all of the people involved in that lesson and replace the energy that has been released with love. Thank the universe for giving you that experience and that will complete the energy around it.
With this Neutral Implant, I don’t think it works everything straight away. It helps you lift and release karma which means you don’t have to go through it consciously. The karma is just highlighted to you when you understand it.