Session 18
I used all of your crystals today. It was the most perfect healing – it was really strong on the chakras. I placed the crystals on either side of you. The base chakra and the heart chakra needed a lot of support because your heart chakra was really open and clear.
Your body is really aware of you not giving yourself enough sleep, physical sleep – it’s something you’ve really got to look at because it’s when we sleep that our bodies are restored and a lot of messages get through and a lot of information is given to us on a subconscious level. It seemed really necessary to remind you of this.
There was a real feeling around dreams today – that you will get information from your dreams. Perhaps you’re not sleeping enough for the messages in your dreams to get through. Ask each night for your dreams to come through. Write them down.Dr. Jarvar was standing near your feet and one guide either side. They were the same as last time – to do with the Kryon implant. They were foggy and they actually stepped backwards. They said you were right in the transition of the change over and that there was nobody else around you and you were going to get new guides coming in. You are still in the transition and they are moving back and that’s probably why you are feeling as if you are all over the place.
They want you to recognize your new guides for yourself. Do a meditation and ask for them to come in. They won’t come in without your permission or until you’re ready. So, do a meditation and ask them to come in and find out who they are. If you feel that’s not working and you want more confirmation on that then we can ask in our sessions. It’s important for you to complete the transition by asking them to come in so they are recognisable to you and acknowledging who they are. Then you can start your communication with them. It’s important to do that yourself because they are your personal growth guides.
As far as the crystal healings and sessions go, there was a real sense of congratulations and recognition of the work that you’ve been doing and it’s absolutely fantastic that you’ve taken the step to take it out to other people.
And that fits in with the heart chakra – following your heart. Dr Jarvar was really pleased about that and he was really excited – I think that’s why your energy was just so clear today.
Note: When work was being done on the Solar Plexus, I saw a clear picture of Dr. Jarvar but he was yellow, not the usual blue. Also, I felt a real jolt at one stage.
When your guides come in they are so personal. Like Dr. Jarvar and others I see around people are so personal with so much love. I would say the implant guides haven’t got the same vibration at all. In fact they were quite impersonal in that they were like structures in the setting up of this thing and now they’re moving away. The personal message was to INVITE YOUR NEW GUIDES TO COME IN now that it’s complete and ask for them so you can become more personal to them.