Session 21
There’s lots of information that came up and it’s very much to do with the physical – the heart chakra, the base chakra and the Solar Plexus – which is the three we’ve been talking about; the pink, the yellow and the red. The heart is actually the centre of it. Because you are working more at self love, the heart chakra is opening majorly – its going through a major transition.
When I first started the room was filled with people. Part of that transition for you is the lifting of the veil because that’s what you have asked for. That’s what they were saying – this is what you have chosen – on some level you gave permission for this to happen. They’re really pleased and that’s what the celebration is about. The images you get that are to do with celebration are about a celebration for you that they are making.
The physical stuff that is happening in the head area is to do with your spiritual growth obviously, but it’s actually more to do with the physical side. Your body wants to slow you down and it’s purely a physical response to your heart chakra opening up.
As your heart chakra opens up, your vibration is raised and your physical body wants to cool it down a bit and become a bit denser. That’s why we often find illnesses pop up while these sorts of transitions are taking place. Although it’s not like you’re actually out of balance, it’s your body’s way of balancing you back up again.
I could recognize all of the people we have talked about before. There was also a whole sea of faces I didn’t recognize and the room was chockers – it was full of people and that’s where the celebration comes in. You have actually pushed the veil back and allowed these people to come in. Today there wasn’t even any words spoken, it was all hands on healing for you. It was all really intense – quite an intense healing. I used all of the crystals – I had to put them all on you and I just used one over you. I used heaps of essences as well. They said just give her all the things.
I asked for appropriate things to talk about or messages to give and they said, “No, she just needs a healing”. Their hands were all over you and because you are so active in it and you’re seeking the information all of the time, they didn’t want to give you any more to clog it up. The main thing was to be joyous that your heart is opening up. Because by doing that it’s fulfilling exactly what you wanted and also, that is in turn healing the planet on a much deeper level than we could ever understand. Also be really gentle on yourself; it’s almost like you’re being a bit too harsh; you really need to be gentle on yourself. It’s that self-love, nurturing thing that you need.
At the moment it’s focusing in the yellow – on the intellectual side; on the fear side; wanting that wisdom for yourself. But it’s time to focus on the pink. Pink is gentle and loving and calm. Allow yourself to flow through it a little bit more and you’ll find it a bit easier. It’s all manifesting in the base and it’s causing a struggle for you. There’s a strong message for you to do that – just to take it easy and recognize it’s a process you’re going through.
There was a really tall man standing in this corner. I opened my eyes – I could almost see him physically today – really strong, really tall. Much bigger than all the others – almost overseeing us and I could almost see the energy physically this time, it was so strong.
Iolanthe and Asteria were standing at your head and were working in that area. I think you’d be surprised if you saw how many people there were.