Session 27

I didn’t even touch these crystals today because you had them set up in this formation which is one that you had known before. You’ve done this a few times when you bring these crystals; setting them up in a formation, and this one was projecting the energy and the information from this crystal to you. There are lots of different things about this lifetime that you were asking for and that were coming in. This AMETHYST CRYSTAL is only part of the original one; it was much bigger and this is only the tip of it. I could see it in a really huge shape and it was all beautifully sculptured. It was natural but it looked as though it had been shaped all around the outside. It was just enormous and it grew with you. When you were born it was about as big as the crystal you have and it was in your head. It grew with you to about twelve inches across. When you passed on into the next lifetime it was taken out and kept. It was like a process that you went through and then somebody else was born with a crystal in their head and the leaders knew that this was the person who was going to take your place. That was how they were chosen. They look for a crystal growing in the head when the baby was born.

It was a real honour for you in this particular lifetime. It was probably one of the most incredible lifetimes you’ve ever had. You were in a really high spiritual position and you knew spiritually where you were going and what you were doing. Cosmic Child information came in and I got the childhood information on it. When you were born into this lifetime – this was coming from the tall gentleman who was with you in your meditation – and he confirmed that – when you were born you were conscious of your job. It was like you weren’t a child, in a sense. You were born as a child but you were conscious that you had the crystal in your head and your role, even when you were a child, was to be consulted on Spiritual matters.

As you grew the crystal grew. The crystal is your honorary thing and that’s stored in a special place after you’ve gone and the next person takes over. There have been lots of them and this one has returned to you this time around. This holds the information. If you meditate with this it will give you the information about that past life. The information is held within your cellular structure and it’s also held within this crystal. That’s why the crystals are kept. So all of that information is in there and you can use this crystal to access it.

Crystal BallI asked in this healing for that to be brought to your conscious level so you can start remembering it because there’s a lot of information that will be really useful for you in your life. So that’s really an amazing little crystal! The reason why you were so drawn to it is because it was part of you. And I just think it’s incredible that it grew with you; that it grows!

I asked if it was heavy but it wasn’t; it was living energy. Within your structure it was just part of you. This has gone solid and dense now because we’re in the physical form. This other lifetime wasn’t a physical lifetime and it wasn’t on Earth. It was a different dimension altogether. The solid form of it wouldn’t have been physical like this. It would have been vibrational. The crystal has become physical on the Earth. It’s a different substance, a different dimension, even though it looks the same.

I could see you as a child just growing up but your adult lifetime with the crystal is where the information is for you to access so you’ll get the other half of the picture and that’s going to be useful to you this time around. The information about your childhood at that time is useful so you know the origins of this crystal. It’s even to the point where you didn’t have parents or a physical existence the way we would imagine it to be. You were just born into this role.

I was seeing energies around you that were all really science-fiction-looking and really just not from the Earthly plane. That essence – the Cosmic Child, it’s from other dimensions. I would say that most of your lifetimes would have been from other places and that’s why you feel so connected to other places and so in awe and in absolute delight when you are able to get snippets of that. Probably that is why, in the beginning, you didn’t feel so comfortable here. There’s been times in your life when you’ve felt, “Oh, I just really don’t want to be here,” because you’ve had so many existences where you’ve just got on with the job. There hasn’t been any of this other physical stuff you’ve had to deal with. That’s why you’re here this time around because we all, at some point, have to experience all of these parts of ourselves and the physical is one of these parts.

Note: This is absolutely right! One thing that has been most noticeable in this respect is money. A wave of feeling comes over me and I think, “What a strange practice this is; fancy using this stuff for buying and selling; just crumby little bits of paper.

If anything ever goes wrong your body responds really well to the vibrational stuff because you’ve brought so much of that energy with you. For you to really feel comfortable in the physical world, which is your quest this time around, you have to have that same level of comfort here before you move to the next level. To achieve that you’ve got to bring this information and this spiritual part of yourself into your physical world more, so that you are able to do all of the physical things that you need to do but you are able to do it in a spiritual way and utilise all of your knowledge.

That’s why all this information is coming back to you; all the crystal stuff; all the past life stuff; all the people that you see. You don’t have to lose that; you can still be a part of that and be a part of the physical. That’s how you’re going to get the balance to be able to feel really comfortable within yourself – which all comes back to that yellow and pink if you are comfortable and loving yourself unconditionally. You’re already at that point where you’re going to have the confidence to be able to fully accept and appreciate your skill so that you can bring it back and help others.

I went to pick up one of the crystals and the tall gentleman, your Higher Self, put his hands out to stop me. I saw that the crystals were set up like a little grid. It was transferring the energy to you so I didn’t move them. I was working on your head for quite a long time and he had his hands on your head too. That’s when I saw the crystal growing.

It was beautiful at the end. I thanked them all for being there as it is the last time we’ll do this for a little while and they thanked me for giving them the opportunity.

There were crowds of people all around.  I was focusing on the women with the head dresses and this man (Note: from my drawing) but there were people all around.

When I do this I am in a meditative state and I can’t see any of the physical-ness or this room. I don’t see any of your physical-ness either. It’s all colour and light. I see you totally as a vibrational being and I see sound waves as well. It’s the same with the other Beings and people; they move in and out of the physical-ness. So if I didn’t have to say to the client this is how this person looks then I wouldn’t even look at the physical-ness. They would only appear to me as an energy body. Because I know that clients need that physical-ness and the energy bodies can show it to me I ask them to show me. What I think happens is that there’s all these different frequencies and for me to make contact they have to come onto the particular frequency I’m on – like a radio station – so I can see them.

They are on a higher vibration so for them to come in and make contact with me they lower their vibration and I raise mine. Their journey is with you and they will continue this process with you.

It’s up to you to key into them.