Session 2
The six angels were there again – so strong, so big, bright and beautiful – all a pearly color.
There was an enormous Asian gentleman with a black moustache and dressed in orange and red with those big Chinese sleeves. He was dressed in this way to exercise a particular influence at this time but when you step back a bit he is just light. Even the angels are just light. As they move into our more physical vibration they take on a physical form that is recognizable to us.
The Asian man was writing calligraphy and talking about you writing and putting your feelings down on paper. All of the top charkas were really beautiful, flowing. The Chinese man and the angels were working on the red and the orange. When I was working on the base and sacral chakras, all of the angels and the Asian man gathered around me and put their hands on mine – a lot of layering of hands.
There was a big release of energy from the orange chakra and they were placing energy back in there. Last time it lifted a layer and prepared, this time it lifted it out and cleared it. Forgive – so that feeling of anger and frustration leads towards forgiveness – let it go. This guide was there to tell you to write it all down. Write down how you feel – your emotions – then do something to destroy the piece of paper and release the emotions. He left the piece of paper on your back when he went. The paper had Chinese symbols all over it.
An extra angel was at your feet. This angel was bigger and worked on the feet and base chakra. The base chakra is clearer – something has moved. There was a sense of congratulations that it has been released.
The heart chakra indicates there will be changes, growth and movement. MAKE YOUR DECISIONS FROM THE HEART.
There was a message from the Angelic Beings – “There are opportunities while you travel – be aware”.
There was a lot of love here today and a lot of work done on your body. When changes are made in the heart area then physical changes will follow.