Session 3
That was so beautiful. I didn’t want to come back! It felt really different, so light and balanced. Your skin feels different too. There’s a lot more energy moving through easily – just sensational.
The blue, which is the throat, came up. This is connected to the emotional centre and is to do with COMMUNICATION AND ALSO NURTURING.
The trip coming up for you gives you a chance to move away from the current environment. The heart charka, which is the green, also came up. This indicates movement, change and growth.
There is an opportunity arising for you in China. Stacks of people were around you. The angels were there and the guide with the beard and the shaft of energy was working at your feet.
There was another male Chinese guide – a different one to last time. He just came in to guide you through China. Whenever you need him just shut your eyes for a couple of seconds, hold out your hand and you will feel him take it. He is connected to the opportunity awaiting you in China. He was dressed all in red and was focusing on his hand to get the message across. You might see a statue or something else with a big hand. This could indicate to you that the opportunity I mentioned before is there.
I have been using sound. You can see it ripple out from your body.
White shafts of energy were going into each chakra. It was quite strong and I wondered how you were coping.
When you look into the aura there are geometric patterns all around your body. So we are not just energy as such. The energy has a structure, a form. It’s like a network – a graph even.