Session 14
Today a lot of releasing took place which you haven’t been ready to do in the past. It’s like your body needed to get to this stage. A lot of it is to do with working with the crystals. We needed to use the crystals to release the pattern today.
At your feet there was the Atlantean guide and the woman with the crystals, but they were overseeing today and they didn’t come in very closely. I felt very strongly that your mum was working with you on this and she was working on your head area when we started. It was quite lovely.
(Because of a specific situation) you started operating with a masculine energy when you were 21 years old, rather than with a feminine energy and it is time now to swing back and operate with a feminine energy – which you are doing. It’s time to work with the nurturing, feminine energy more. Your mum was part of that balancing and she needed to work with you to do that. When we were working she had her hand on top of my hand. We were working on your head and she went down to your feet to work there as well.
The angels weren’t there because the crystals were important today. Your mum and you were connected in a previous life working with the crystals in Atlantis. Also the two guides, your mum and you were all connected, working with the crystals together.
So, the angels didn’t come in. They stayed back a bit. When you have a family member come in your vibration has to be very high because this (connection) is so strong. There is such a strong emotional bond that it takes a lot more energy. There is still the support around you but it is not as clear; it’s not as relevant.
You brought the right crystals; you only needed those three. See the grid system as you placed them; this is how they are to be used. So when you get information like that, TRUST IT because that is part of you connecting up with what you know of how to work with the crystals. Things develop in different ways but this is the way it’s developing for you.
When your mum left she gave you a kiss. She was touching your head and she walked out that way. I used the blue massage oil which is all to do with your mum and that with all the other things combined allowed her to be brought in easily. They are always there for us if we need something. It may be that they come in at odd intervals – time is not relevant to them – it is more to do with the energy. That was her work today. I just needed to set it up but she did the work. She needed to release it because that was part of her work as well.