In this section I have illustrated Beings with whom I have had a closer, face-to-face interaction.  I could see these Beings very clearly and they were in “close proximity” to me.

The interactions felt as though I was in contact with loving friends or relatives who cared very deeply for me, especially with “Cherie”, “Grounding Energy” and “Ruby”.

Some of these Beings – “Mrs. Wong”, “Grounding Energy” and “Ruby” and others – were also present at one or more of my chakra balancing sessions and sometimes assisted the processes in some way.

At times Beings have spoken directly to me in language that I can easily understand – as with “Ta Merin” and “Ruby”.  I have often had words or sentences spoken as well as “written” in front of me.

A Rolling Shuffling Gait” and “Nature Spirit” communicated with gestures and emotions, while “Annabel” and “Andreya” were quite animated and speaking to me in a language that I did not consciously understand.  Their messages seemed to be very important and I trust that on another level I was able to understand them.

Even those with an appearance that was not familiar to us – such as “Rolling, Shuffling Gait”, “Jumping Man” and “Black and Lumpy” – still maintained a non-threatening and peaceful presence.  The feeling they conveyed was more important than how they looked.

Whether they were humanoid or not, male or female, with facial features of animals or totally unrecognizable types of Beings, they have all been walking upright on two legs and wearing at least some items of clothing.

Next Page – Annabel and Others