
Sketch of Andreya
This lady was a glowing, beautiful Being. She had full lips and her skin was very pale. There was a pearlescent look about her. Her hair was a pinky-mauve and her lips and fingernails were a darker tone of the same colour. She had what looked like foils of the same pinky-mauve in her hair – but I’m sure they were a decoration and not a hair treatment. She was talking to me and gesturing with her hand. Her name was Andreya.

A Rolling, Shuffling Gait

Sketch of Rolling, Shuffling Gait
This was one of the Beings I met. He was dressed in brightly coloured clothes – a shirt and pants. He walked on two legs with a rolling, shuffling movement and his back was hunched over. He must have had eyes somewhere in the folds of his face or some other way of ‘seeing’ me because he saw me from a short way off and came shuffling over to me. Then he stood in front of me and studied me with his head cocked at an angle and moving from side to side the way we sometimes see a curious dog behave.


Sketch of Cherie
I felt so much love flow between us when I looked at Cherie’s face. I recognised her and I believe that we must be very close on some level of existence. Perhaps I am her mother or her father in a different place to here. When I asked about her I was shown pink with purple behind it.

Nature Spirit

Colour Nature Spirit Sketch of Nature Spirit

This being looks like a Nature Spirit to me. The top of her head seemed to be a mound of earth with leaves arranged in order all over the top surface. Her hair seemed very similar to the aerial roots I have seen hanging from some trees in places like Vietnam and Cambodia. The under-surface of the mound seemed to be made of the same material as her hair. She seemed rather sad – perhaps because humans are not caring for the Earth, the plants, animals and other living things on Earth as well as they should.

Next Page – Grounding Energy and Others