

Sketch of Annabel Coloured Drawing of Annabel

On 21/5/2001 in my meditation I saw this Being along with lots of vibrant colours. The lady’s skin and hair were turquoise-blue and the “whites” of her eyes were yellow. In her hair she had spots of light shining out that were yellow, red and purple and I could look right into each spot of light. Her hand was noticeably long and slender and so was her neck. She was talking to me in a language I could not understand, not consciously anyway, and gesturing with her hand as though she wanted me to look in that direction or go in that direction. When I asked her name I was told, “Annabel”. On the right hand side I have shown her in the colours in which I saw her.

Mrs. Wong

Sketch of Mrs. Wong
Yes, this is a Chinese lady even though she has curly hair. She was one of the support team who assisted during the opening of the Solar Plexus.
She also appeared in my meditations.
I don’t know who the Chinese gentleman is behind her but there were two or three Chinese gentlemen who were present during different chakra balancing sessions – at least one was to accompany me when I travelled to China.

Glowing Silvery-white In The Darkness

coloured drawing  of Frilled Head Sketch of Frilled Head

This face was alive! This Being was watching and listening to me read from a book. The language in the book was one I had never seen before but I was reading it fluently even though my conscious mind couldn’t understand a word. At the time I actually saw the face as shown on the left hand side – that is, glowing silvery–white in the dark. Even though it was dark I could easily see the book and the words I was reading.

The Singer From Domesh

Sketch of Singer
A happy, smiling, plump, middle-aged lady dressed in black said to me, ”In Domesh here, I sing”.
She was wearing a scarf tied around her head.

Next Page – Andreya and Others