Black And Lumpy

Lumpy Black
This Being was black and I could see only one eye. He was laughing and beckoning or waving to me. He seemed to be all lumpy and bumpy except for the area which I assumed was the mouth.

Corkscrew Curls
This lady was standing at a window waving to me and beckoning me to come over and talk to her. She had lots of blonde corkscrew curls.

When I saw this angular, male face a voice said, “He oversees the council”. The face was very white.

White Spiral Ball
There was spiralling white light down to the Earth with a large ball shape of light on the end of it. A figure stepped out of the ball and walked towards me.

On 13/7/2000 I was shown this shape which has thirteen tentacles or fingers. The sum of the numerals in the date is thirteen also.

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