Sketch of Ta-Merin
When I first saw this elderly man he was sitting down. He had a very full, wavy, grey/white beard and a bald head. He wore a very wide ‘vibrant black’ hat. His name was Ta Merin and he wanted me to read the book ‘Opening to Channel’. A lot of loving energy was directed to me but for several reasons I decided that I did not want to channel at this time.

Coloured Loving Beings
I said I wanted to be surrounded by Loving Beings. I immediately found I was looking down on myself from above. I was the light in the centre of several layers of Beings standing around me.

Give me Back This Place
I was looking at a village where two young ladies were crossing the road. They had dark skin and the lady illustrated here said, “Give me back this place of mine.”

Sketch of Plant PersonThis Being had an unusual face with one big eye. The hand was a similar shape to the face. I was suddenly aware that the hand was reaching out to touch me on the forehead. Unfortunately, I felt apprehensive and ‘pushed’ the Being away. Later I regretted my response because I may have pushed away someone who wanted to make friendly contact.

HatThis lady was in the crowd. The unusual hat caught my eye. It was shaped like the roof of a house and was a rich green with bright red flowers on it.

Sketch of Amazing Hair Style
When I saw this person he was most surprised to see me. He had a round face and a truly amazing hair style

Next Page – Ingrid With Ursula Behind It and Others