
When I meditate my aims are to Grow in Light and to Gain Self-knowledge, to Focus my Life Energy and to Achieve Better Health as well as to find Peace of Mind and Serenity by seeing the Bigger Picture and Detaching from the smaller stressful things in life.

If, as described in this website, unusual experiences occur during my meditations it is not by my design – they just happen. I feel most fortunate that these experiences do occur because from them I have learnt so much about life and about myself.

One could argue that I am not really meditating and I am also not really channelling.  So, what am I doing?  To simplify things I will continue to refer to what I do as meditating.

“Being” is the word I use to refer to those who I meet during meditation or relaxation times who are obviously not “Human Beings”. To my way of thinking, this is the most respectful way to refer to them – we are Human Beings and they are Beings of another kind. Over a number of years I have seen many ‘Beings’ who were definitely not ‘Human’.

At the start of some meditations I have been told things such as, “You have many visitors here” or “Just standing in the background are people you know” and “Family from home and others are here”. They have always shown the greatest respect for me and I have sometimes been emotionally overwhelmed with tears streaming down my face because of the unconditional love directed to me in greeting.

I have never met a “Grey” and based on what I have read in the experiences of others, I don’t want to meet one. My usual statement during meditation at any time that I feel an energy around me is, “If you are here in Love and Light and for my highest evolution and growth then you are welcome to stay. All others must leave now and never come back”. I have seen a Being leave in a rather disgruntled way after this statement. We have the power to protect ourselves in this way.

There has always been at least one Loving Being who is over-seeing everything that goes on around me. In my view, there has never been anything sinister ‘done’ to me. Yes, I believe there is an accelerated evolution of mankind but I believe that we are also regaining what we once had. It is all given in absolute unconditional love and honour. Our relationship with the Earth and with the Universe is being restored.

I have been ‘worked on’ quite openly. I have been shown what looked like surgical instruments more than once – I regret now that I illustrated so few of these at the time. I have opened my eyes to see several heads around mine with a strong light in the centre as though I was on an operating table. I have often been asked to ‘keep still’ while some procedure was in progress and this has been while I was in a conscious state. During these times I could feel movement or sensations, usually in various areas in my head but also in my neck and feet. I have been asked to open my mouth during a meditation and I physically experienced a spoonful of ‘something’ being spooned into my mouth. I have physically seen what looked like a ‘bottle’ of medicine floating directly in front of my eyes. With reference to my psychic development, I have been told, “You have been very successful in that way because you have been altered”.

I have always had a desire to see beyond the veil. More recently I have discovered that part of my work here was to push back the veil. The veil has now been pushed back so that those on the other side can observe some of the lessons being learned here on Earth. From my understanding, there are limited opportunities to come to Earth and there are many Beings who would like to come to Earth but don’t have the opportunity. By pushing back the veil they are able to watch the experiences and lessons on Earth and to learn and grow from this.

When I produced my drawings my aim was to reproduce what I have seen as accurately as I can. At times my attention has been drawn to a specific shape or line of what I was seeing and I took this to mean that it was an important aspect of what I was drawing at the time.

The colours I see are sometimes quite different to our earthly colours. For example, black is alive; it is rich; you can see other colours in it, such as very deep purple or very deep red. I refer to it as “vibrant black”. Iolanthe’s light, bright green is a yellowish green with so much white light in it that it appears to glow. Without exception the colours are rich, clear, full of light, vibrant and difficult, if not impossible, to reproduce accurately.

Next Page – A Test and a Celebration