Sketch of Huge Crystal in Syria

  1. While travelling in Syria I saw a huge Smokey Quartz crystal during a meditation. It was suspended from the roof of a cave. The top end of the crystal was encased in what looked like a formed pouch which appeared to be made of something like clay.
  2. The crystal was removed from its pouch and I had assisted in some way by using the Pillar of Light meditation. Dark coloured material that could have been sand was pouring in through the hole where the crystal had been.
    I saw many different faces close up while we were travelling in Syria. I was “called to meditate” several times a day – I was often woken at different times during the night with a clear message to do another Pillar of Light meditation. During this time there were actual earthquakes in Syria.
    After the trip I felt that I had achieved whatever I was supposed to achieve and it had assisted in the processes that were underway at that time.

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