I enjoy being with crystals and for a number of years I went to gem shows where I would be on the look-out for crystals or gem stones. Sometimes I was very strongly drawn to a particular crystal. On one of the most unusual occasions I went to a gem show held in a large hall. There were stalls all around the perimeter of the hall then another large rectangle of stalls in the centre. Usually I would begin browsing as I entered the door and continue in an orderly fashion going from one stall to the next until I had seen every stall in the place – then perhaps I would go around for the second time in case I missed something. On this occasion I felt compelled to walk straight past all of the stalls until I got to the far corner of the hall. The only thing I can remember seeing on the stall there was a single amethyst crystal, about eight centimeters in the widest section as well as in the depth. It had a root similar to the root of a tooth. From memory, it seemed to be a bit out of place on this particular stall because it was surrounded by tools and other unrelated objects.

I felt completely drawn to this crystal and I was most surprised to hear that it was a very reasonable price. Having the crystal nearby made me feel very comfortable so each night I sat it on the bedside table next to me while I slept – as I do to this day.

During this time I was having “chakra balancing” and colour therapy sessions with a very special lady. She communicated readily with the many angels, beings and energies who were attending. On occasions I took some crystals to these sessions and sometimes I placed them in a pattern which the facilitator was told to leave as I had placed them; sometimes the crystals were used by the facilitator during the chakra balancing sessions.

On one occasion I took the large amethyst crystal along with a large double terminated quartz crystal. During the actual session everything was very peaceful and quiet with soft background music – the same as usual. At one stage I could feel something in my head that reached right to the area at the back of the bridge of my nose.

Sketch of Amethyst Crystal
After the session the facilitator said that she was told to insert the Amethyst crystal into my head, which she did. She inserted it right into the crown chakra – this is what I could feel. She told me that the Amethyst had been in my head, perhaps as an implant with the top of the crystal visible out of the top of my head.

About three weeks later during my meditation, I asked about my existence where I had the large Amethyst crystal embedded in my crown chakra. I was shown a face, side view, with white skin, black bushy eyebrows and a bunch of black curly hair in front. There was quite a pronounced hooked nose. The Amethyst crystal was clearly visible projecting from the top of the head. Then I was shown the front view of the eyes and black bushy eyebrows.

A large hand with very long fingers was held out to me as if inviting me to come along.

I was told, “Crystals were used in the place of hydrogen bombs …. for explosions. This was in Atlantean times. The crystal in your head was to give you information from the ‘Gods’. You were a High Priest and adviser to the leaders at the time. You used other crystals as well.”

I was also told that this occurred in a time and place where things were not as dense as here and now on the Earth. So the Amethyst crystal was much larger at that time and of a substance that was not as hard or as heavy.

Next Page – Huge Crystal in Syria