
Sketch of Iolanthe Colour Drawing of Iolanthe

After not seeing anyone in my meditations for a few weeks I saw a very beautiful young lady who was quite animated. She was looking at me but as she stood there she moved her head and body from side to side – posing as a model does. As she moved her black hair swished gracefully about as if it was floating. She had quite a brown skin.

Iolanthe’s colour was light, bright green – that is, pale yellowish green that was also full of light and luminescent.

I also saw an Asian lady. In a meditation the next day I asked who the people were that I had seen so clearly in my previous meditation. I was told very clearly,
“The one with the black hair is Iolanthe.”
“Asteria is coming.”
“The Asian lady is “Mrs. Wong”.
The one looking through the grey curtain is “Judd”

Just before going to sleep I heard these words and saw the words float past my eyes one at a time;


At my chakra balancing two days later the facilitator was told that Iolanthe was my first guide, Asteria was my second guide and would come in soon, Mrs. Wong and the other faces from beyond the veil were part of the support team there to help with the opening.


Sketch of Dr. Asteria
Seven days after first seeing Iolanthe I saw Asteria. The headband around the front of her head dress was a striking red and this was significant – it was to assist with grounding energy. There were dark lines that looked like cuts or openings in the beehive section of her head dress. Her eyes were very pronounced as if she had makeup on.

During the few days leading up to first seeing Asteria there were several instances where I came across the flowers called Asters and also a story about Asteria, the goddess of crystals, which is where the name “Aster” originated for the flowers. Asters are usually in tones of pink and mauve and these were the colours I saw for Asteria.


Sketch of Justiana Colour Drawing of Justiana

This child appeared in front of me during a meditation. She was quite animated and stood there looking up at me in a confident and enquiring manner.  The guides at a chakra balancing session told the facilitator that, “Justiana is the child who is connected to both Iolanthe and Asteria. She is there as a child in learning.”


Sketch of Jindhara
Two weeks after first seeing Asteria I saw this lady. The name I received was Jindhara and her colour was blue.

I previously expressed curiousity about the beehive section of Asteria’s head dress and wondered if there were cuts in it that allowed it to open. This head dress is the same as Asteria’s only the back section has been raised and fanned out.


Sketch of Montanna Colour Drawing of Montanna

This lady is another guide. I wondered if she was the female version of the Lion man although I didn’t see fur on her. She has thick black hair and a regal bearing. Her name is Montanna.

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