For years I had wanted to “see the unseen” and communicate with other Beings and I was sure that I should be able to do it. I am very grateful to all of the Beings for giving me the opportunity to see so many different faces.
In the late nineties I became aware of the large number of “observers” who were always present during my meditations. I was very comfortable with this. As I started a meditation I was often told that there were many visitors, family members or people I knew who were present. I would reply that I welcomed them with love and I would send love to them.
Once I started chakra balancing sessions many comments were made by the facilitator in reference to the large numbers of onlookers who were always present. I would usually invite those who were around me in Love and Light and for my Highest Evolution and Growth to come along to the sessions.
The facilitator would describe the room as “crowded”; “crowds of people not fitting in the physical- ness of the room; a “sea of faces’; “chockers” or similar expressions when she started the chakra balancing sessions. She was told by my guides and the observers that on some level and at some time I had given permission for this. I had some agreement that allowed for all of the observers to be there. When she spoke to them they didn’t give her any indication of ‘why’ but there was always a feeling of the real excitement of anticipation. She said that it seemed to be an ancient agreement, a contract signed long before this lifetime – a bit of a sideline to my lifetimes.
She explained it with these words: “Some of us are accepted because you have experienced just so much in so many different lifetimes. You’ve accepted that. You’ve given permission for them to watch certain things that are going on with you. They know that it’s for your highest good and for theirs and that it’s given in complete and utter love – purely in unconditional love.”
The Guides explained why there were so many faces: “You have your main guides but many other faces will be presented to you as you are ready to see through the veil – there is much excitement around this. There are people and other energies who are curious and observing this process as a way of learning and for joy. Do not be fearful. Welcome them with love.”
I would sketch Beings who caught my eye in the crowd of observers. Later the facilitator would describe who she saw in the group of observers and I could often show her a drawing. This validated what I was seeing and helped me to build trust.
The “humanoid” Beings I saw were often dressed in a unique way and many of them wore unusual hats, head dresses or hair styles. The Beings who looked similar to some of the animals we have on earth were always dressed in clothes with “intelligence” in their eyes and walking on two legs, not four. Other Beings had an appearance like nothing else I have ever seen.