![Face With Floppy Ears](http://itsnotballeyhoo.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/face-floppy-ears.jpg)
This Being in the crowd caught my eye. He/she was a pale pink colour.
![Rabbit Man](http://itsnotballeyhoo.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/cow-man.jpg)
This Being walked upright on two legs and was dressed in a yellow shirt with a cross-over-the-front style and dark trousers.
Everything about this Being was pale. He seemed very unhappy with his down-turned mouth but that is only based on our earthly human expectations. He had untidy looking hair and a long white forehead with two crumpled “strips” on top. There were three eyes – one just above the ‘bridge of the nose’ area.
This Being had a pale face with lots of creases or wrinkles above the eyes.
These two Beings walked upright on two legs. They obviously look similar to some animals that we have on Earth. I have seen several Beings with faces similar to animals on the Earth but they have been walking upright on two legs.
In other dimensions do animals walk around on two legs and not on four? Also, do they have a far greater capacity to communicate directly with other beings there? They seem to have great awareness or intelligence in their eyes.
This Being was grey and black with a bulging yellow eye. I don’t know whether there was another eye on the other side of his nose but I could only see one. He had his face turned a bit to the left.
He was looking at me and smiled when he knew I could see him.